A Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase to facilitate scientific discovery
2016-06-01 Sunpy has a HEK module for using HEK's web API.

Above: Interactively search for features and events using iSolSearch
The Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK) system is being developed to help solar and heliospheric researchers locate features and events of interest to their science topics.
Questions you can ask HEK:- What features and events were found on a particular day?
- What filament eruptions were reported from AIA observations?
- What features and events were submitted by a specific researcher?
- Are there Active Regions in Coronal Holes? *
- What HMI Active Region Patches (HARPs) are available in JSOC for a certain date range?
- What are the X-class flares in a certain time period?
Learn how to use HEK with SolarSoft here.
For the Application Programming Interface documentation, click here.