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2014-09-08 08:01:09-08:16:00
HOP 257 w/ IRIS @ AR 15127
SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign
Max FOV:5"x81"
Target:Active Region
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6302A Continuum Intensity5"x81"405 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density5"x81"405 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density5"x81"405 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A5"x81"405 spectra

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SOTSP: HOP 257 w/ IRIS @ AR 15127
2014-09-08T08:01:09 to 2014-09-08T08:16:00
Science Goal: SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign
Program: HOP 250, Sparse Dynamics Mode, 9x82", 1 min.
Target: Active Region
xcen=-490 ycen=-341
Instrument: SOTSP
HOP/JOP: 257
Description: Request to SOT HOP Number 0257 Run suitable SP and FG program for the target of the day, running larger maps when IRIS does so and higher cadence programs when IRIS does. The IRIS planner may choose programs described in one of the IHOPs (243 and
250) for a particular target. Other Instruments: IRIS: The IRIS planner must submit his/her plan by 19 UT on Mondays - Fridays
the Friday plan runs for 3 days. No changes whatever are possible after ~21 UT of each weekday. The IRIS planner will announce the target type (one of the above list) for each day's observing in the 8-11 UT period at least 2 days in advance, so the Hinode daily meeting can plan to coordinate with suitable programs. More specific pointing information will be provided in time for the Hinode daily meeting before uplink. The AR for flarewatch in 11-17 UT will also be announced. SST: The observers at the SST will follow the IRIS target every day during the prime observing time of 8-11 UT, and usually during the flarewatch time of 11-17 UT. Scientific Objectives: Coordinated observing campaign using the Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma, IRIS and Hinode is scheduled for August 30 - October 9, 2014. Observers at the SST will be from Oslo and LMSAL for this entire period. The goal is to obtain very high cadence, high spatial resolution observations of the photosphere and
chromosphere with CRISP to accompany the IRIS spectra and images of the chromosphere and transition region. CRISP data will allow measurement of line profiles for Doppler shifts and polarization for some magnetic field information above the photosphere. Hinode will contribute precise photospheric fields with SOT/SP, magnetogram evolution with SOT/NFI and coronal images and spectra with XRT and EIS. IRIS and
SST will have a number of science goals, listed here in no particular order. Priorities will depend to some extent on how much good data is obtained during the June IRIS/SST campaign. There are a variety of targets: AR sunspot, AR plage, QS, CH, filament on disk, and AR, QS, CH. (Prominence targets are not included because the SST adaptive optics system won???ft work above the limb.) A. Chromospheric Heating: QS/AR/CH B. Moss: AR plage
similar to IHOP 247 C. Rapid Blueshifted Excursions (RBEs): AR plage D. Jets in CH/QS: CH/QS network E. Penumbral jets: AR sunspot
see IHOP 250 F. Previously Unresolved Fine Structure (UFS): QS on disk G. Bombs and flux emergence in AR H. Spicules at the limb: QS or CH limb
IHOP 249 The best coordination time is from 9 am to noon La Palma time, which is 08 UT to 11 UT. During this La Palma time (8 to 11 UT), IRIS will focus on high cadence runs, such as sit-and-stare, small or medium rasters. A single target will be chosen for each day???fs observing in this time period. The IRIS planner would typically schedule large raster scans for context before or after the La Palma time, so that high cadence programs are run during La Palma time. Every day from 11 UT to 17 UT, IRIS and SST will perform flarewatch on the most promising active region. Hinode is invited to do the same using its standard flarewatch programs.

Request to SOT HOP Number 0257 Run suitable SP and FG program for the target of the day, running larger maps when IRIS does so and higher cadence programs when IRIS does. The IRIS planner may choose programs described in one of the IHOPs (243 and
250) for a particular target. Other Instruments: IRIS: The IRIS planner must submit his/her plan by 19 UT on Mondays - Fridays
the Friday plan runs for 3 days. No changes whatever are possible after ~21 UT of each weekday. The IRIS planner will announce the target type (one of the above list) for each day's observing in the 8-11 UT period at least 2 days in advance, so the Hinode daily meeting can plan to coordinate with suitable programs. More specific pointing information will be provided in time for the Hinode daily meeting before uplink. The AR for flarewatch in 11-17 UT will also be announced. SST: The observers at the SST will follow the IRIS target every day during the prime observing time of 8-11 UT, and usually during the flarewatch time of 11-17 UT. Scientific Objectives: Coordinated observing campaign using the Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma, IRIS and Hinode is scheduled for August 30 - October 9, 2014. Observers at the SST will be from Oslo and LMSAL for this entire period. The goal is to obtain very high cadence, high spatial resolution observations of the photosphere and
chromosphere with CRISP to accompany the IRIS spectra and images of the chromosphere and transition region. CRISP data will allow measurement of line profiles for Doppler shifts and polarization for some magnetic field information above the photosphere. Hinode will contribute precise photospheric fields with SOT/SP, magnetogram evolution with SOT/NFI and coronal images and spectra with XRT and EIS. IRIS and
SST will have a number of science goals, listed here in no particular order. Priorities will depend to some extent on how much good data is obtained during the June IRIS/SST campaign. There are a variety of targets: AR sunspot, AR plage, QS, CH, filament on disk, and AR, QS, CH. (Prominence targets are not included because the SST adaptive optics system won???ft work above the limb.) A. Chromospheric Heating: QS/AR/CH B. Moss: AR plage
similar to IHOP 247 C. Rapid Blueshifted Excursions (RBEs): AR plage D. Jets in CH/QS: CH/QS network E. Penumbral jets: AR sunspot
see IHOP 250 F. Previously Unresolved Fine Structure (UFS): QS on disk G. Bombs and flux emergence in AR H. Spicules at the limb: QS or CH limb
IHOP 249 The best coordination time is from 9 am to noon La Palma time, which is 08 UT to 11 UT. During this La Palma time (8 to 11 UT), IRIS will focus on high cadence runs, such as sit-and-stare, small or medium rasters. A single target will be chosen for each day???fs observing in this time period. The IRIS planner would typically schedule large raster scans for context before or after the La Palma time, so that high cadence programs are run during La Palma time. Every day from 11 UT to 17 UT, IRIS and SST will perform flarewatch on the most promising active region. Hinode is invited to do the same using its standard flarewatch programs.

Hits: 56
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Cites: HOP 257 w/ IRIS @ AR 15127     
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