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SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-06-29T21:49:32 to 2024-06-29T22:40:58
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 280"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Pore
Pointing: xcen=51 ycen=-418,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0253,162809
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0253,162809
6302A Transverse Flux Density0253,162809
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0253,162809
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-06-29T18:37:58 to 2024-06-29T19:24:28
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 280"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Pore
Pointing: xcen=12 ycen=-418,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0232,162735
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0232,162735
6302A Transverse Flux Density0232,162735
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0232,162735
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-06-29T18:27:58 to 2024-06-29T18:29:48
Science Goal: AR 13723, HOP 409
Program: Synoptic Very Fast Map, 15"x162", 3 mins.
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=0 ycen=7,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity016,16250
6302A Velocity 6301.5A016,16250
6302A Transverse Flux Density016,16250
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density016,16250
IRIS: Coronal Nanojets: East Limb
2024-06-29T16:49:09 to 2024-06-30T00:47:33
Science Goal: Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
Program: Coronal Nanojets: East Limb
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=-935 ycen=144,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-06-29T15:04:18 to 2024-06-29T15:59:36
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 280"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=3 ycen=-418,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0274,162872
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0274,162872
6302A Transverse Flux Density0274,162872
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0274,162872
IRIS: High Cadence Flare: AR13723
2024-06-29T12:29:22 to 2024-06-29T16:15:25
Science Goal: High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II slow
Program: High Cadence Flare: AR13723
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=23 ycen=-346,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-06-29T11:47:35 to 2024-06-29T12:34:59
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-25 ycen=-417,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0238,162750
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0238,162750
6302A Transverse Flux Density0238,162750
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0238,162750
IRIS: SST Coordination: AR13729
2024-06-29T10:58:45 to 2024-06-29T12:11:25
Science Goal: Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2
Program: SST Coordination: AR13729
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=-500 ycen=-87,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
SOTSP: AR13723 Monitor
2024-06-29T08:31:04 to 2024-06-29T09:18:28
Science Goal: AR13723 Monitor
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-52 ycen=-412,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0233,162740
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0233,162740
6302A Transverse Flux Density0233,162740
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0233,162740
IRIS: SST Coordination: AR13729
2024-06-29T08:24:41 to 2024-06-29T10:55:37
Science Goal: Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2
Program: SST Coordination: AR13729
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=-519 ycen=-87,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
IRIS: SUIT Coordination: Ar 2
2024-06-29T08:05:42 to 2024-06-29T08:14:35
Science Goal: Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4
Program: SUIT Coordination: Ar 2
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=104 ycen=-131,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
IRIS: SUIT Coordination: AR 1
2024-06-29T07:44:52 to 2024-06-29T07:55:58
Science Goal: Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4
Program: SUIT Coordination: AR 1
Target: AR
Pointing: xcen=101 ycen=-131,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
IRIS: SUIT Coordination: QS 2
2024-06-29T06:58:52 to 2024-06-29T07:07:45
Science Goal: Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4
Program: SUIT Coordination: QS 2
Target: QS
Pointing: xcen=3 ycen=77,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
IRIS: SUIT Coordination: QS 1
2024-06-29T06:37:52 to 2024-06-29T06:48:58
Science Goal: Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4
Program: SUIT Coordination: QS 1
Target: QS
Pointing: xcen=3 ycen=77,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
IRIS: A1: QS Monitoring
2024-06-29T06:10:04 to 2024-06-29T06:28:08
Science Goal: Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster
Program: A1: QS Monitoring
Target: QS
Pointing: xcen=2 ycen=76,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
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